Common-sense advice on fundraising via individual giving projects and membership schemes.

If you’re looking for and individual giving campaign that best taps into your customers I can help you work out the best tactics to use and identify the ideal language and approach for you to take.  My experience in setting up successful individual campaigns with limited resources is ideal for smaller organisations who aren’t sure where to start.

Bid writing services also available.

Tactics you can use include:

Call Centres.

Ticket supplements.

Online giving platforms.


Seat dedications.

Merchandise sales.

Special events.

Fundraising is a really exciting project for an organisation to get its teeth into and it’s less stressful  – and not as tough  – as you might think.

Key to a successful fundraising campaign is the relationship with your existing customers and the public.  I can help you devise a common-sense strategy for your organisation which works best for you.

Get in touch!

Membership schemes are one of the first steps on the loyalty ladder and represent a great entry-level way for your customers to become part of your organisation.

I can give you advice on setting up your membership scheme.  I can help you devise the ideal scheme for your organisation and your customers. It will help you get even closer to the loyalest of your customers –  and provide you with a reliable income stream.

Reviewing your existing membership scheme.

If you already have a membership scheme in place and think it needs a fresh start I can work with you to enhance and relaunch it.  We’ll study the data you have on your existing members, review your scheme and I’ll advise you on how you can relaunch and grow your membership sales.

Loyalty schemes

Loyalty schemes are a way to encourage more visits by your customers and entice them to try new things.  I can help you devise the ideal loyalty scheme for your business.

Fancy a chat?  Get in touch!