Just going over the dazzling feedback for my OPEN THE GATES industry event in Newcastle yesterday and reeling that it went so well.
Delivered for Northern Film and Media, we were able to attract some key UK decision makers in distribution, acquisitions and exhibition to the north east to give practitioners in the region the chance to pick up some tips on how to see their work into cinema spaces and in front of real life audiences.
I’d hoped it would be a useful and practical event for practitioners, and it seems to have had just that outcome. Now to refine it, and expand on it and to deliver it to more people in more places.
Massive thanks to NFM for giving me the chance to get it off the ground – onwards and upwards!
Event information:
Getting your feature in front of your audienceThis one-day event will give practitioners working in the region’s film production sector the chance to hear from the gatekeepers – the exhibitors and distributors who decide if films not only make the grade but also if there’s an audience for their work. We’ll hear from these all-powerful people, and from the filmmakers in the region whose work has made it out to an audience and the inside of a cinema – either via a distributor or through self-distribution. Often seen as an antagonistic relationship, we’ll pull back the curtain and discuss how to better collaborate and communicate and ensure you can reach your theatrical audience…
The day will include guests from Picturehouse, Showroom Workstation, Hanway Films and there’ll be a chance to hear from regional filmmakers about their own success stories too.
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